I went to Coldplay's gig last night, i live in Rio de Janeiro and here rarely rains and it's never cold, well last night wasn't a typical Rio de janeiro's evening, it rainned alot, and it was cold and windy.... how can i describe it...humm... like an english summer weather!
i felt like i was in glasto, minus the mud and all the amazing bands playing, tonight it was Coldplay's night.
Don't get me wrong i'm not complaining, i miss the english weather ( yes i know i'm crazy) so it felt alittle bit like home to me.
The concert it self was amazing, i had forgoten how much i love coldplay.
Chris Martin's voice, energy, musician skills and lyrics are just too good to be true, actually all the band were sounding like perfection.
Moments i know i'm never going to forget, i don't know if it's just with me, but when i go to a concert i'm 100% there, i want to absorb every emotion, every word, every note, and it moves me so much even to tears like last night (i know really embarrassing) but what can i say, i really love music!
I read somewhere that people that wacthed them in Argentina were flying to Rio to see them again.
i thought it was abit silly to fly all that and i also thought that they maybe too rich to see how much money they are spending .....but still.... after wacthing their gig.... i got to confess...i would do the exact same thing.

Photo by : coldplaying.com
Listening to : Coldplay - Lovers in Japan
I did that,flight to Rio from Buenos Aires to see Coldplay again..
ResponderExcluirIt was even better than the Buenos Aires gig..
and im not rich,i spent all my savings :D
coldplay <3
ResponderExcluirmy fav band :]
love ur blog !
by the way i'm heroeszombie on tumblr