I've been trying to find a good book to read these days, not that i'm bored with reading the twiligh saga (believe me i've read those four books about a 1000 times and i still love them). I'm a fan of the classics, Jane Austin, Charllote and Emily Bronte, Oscar Wild and so on but i wanted to read something new, fresh, a real story.
I've been painting my room for the past couple of days and as i had to move most of my stuff around i've been finding alot of things i've forgotten i had.
I found this book i boutgh back in England last year, called ''Dylan On Dylan" and decided to give it a shot. the book is a gathering of some of the interviews he's given since 1962.
I've been learning some much from reading them, it's helping me to understand him as an artist and as a person, and i can see how he has never been afraid of showing who he really is, taking risks and staying true to himself.
There are some amazing quotes in this book, and i'm going to post some of them from time to time. reading about someone who have a life like his inspire me to do the best i can in every aspect of my life, and personally i think we all should have some Bob Dylan in us.

"All Ican do is be me, whoever that is" Bob Dylan
Listening to : Bob Dylan - Girl From The North Country
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