So in exactly 6 days is my birthday. I don't know if I should be happy or just really allow myself to be sad. I got mixed feelings about it.

I’ve never been much of a person to draw attention to myself, never wanted big parties with fancy dresses, the regular birthday consists of me going out with my family and closest friends (unfortunately, they are not many believe me) to a restaurant near by my house and just have a meal together come back home and sleep, which i love to be honest.

Not very eventful as you can see .In a way I’m happy to get one year older (happy I made it alive for one thing!) , I learned a lot, listened/sang some good songs, watched some great movies, and spent time with people I love.

But in the other hand it feels like i haven't accomplished much in my 23 years of life, when I read other people biographies or see some people that are professionally and emotionally successful at this age, it gives me the feeling that something else is missing.

All pictures by : Tumblr
And the exiting thing about it, is trying to find out what. Or is it?
Listening to : The XX - VCR
I understand that feeling, I experience it a lot too. But I guess everyone has their time to do something very important, and our just didn't come yet. We just have to focus on the things important for us and the good things will come.
ResponderExcluirHappy birthday!
I know exactly what you mean! I think Karolina is right, our time will come!;)
ResponderExcluirI love that picture of Anna Karina!<3
And thank your for the lovely comment on my blog! I obviously love your tumblr too!:D